
Direct Hire & Placement of Skilled Trades Professionals in Ann Arbor, MI


Today’s employers have more tools at their disposal than ever before to find the right employee for a job opening. In the technical and skilled trades arena, however, the old adage of „it’s who you know“ still holds true. Let Kenmare LLC be your inside connection for direct hire and placement of Detroit, MI’s most talented and qualified job seekers, to the employers who will treat those candidates like the precious commodity they are. If you’re looking for employment, or looking to hire, call our office in Ann Arbor, MI.

Our specialties

At Kenmare LLC, we can help your company with direct hire and placement of qualified employees in the following fields


  • Chemical
  • Civil
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
  • Management
  • Geotechnical
  • a man in yellow hard hat looking at plans for large scale building

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  • Aerospace
  • Biodefense
  • Logistics
  • Intelligence
  • Analysts
  • army personnel in boots running

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Information Technology

  • Support specialist
  • Computer programmer
  • Quality assurance tester
  • Web developer
  • IT technician
  • Systems analyst
  • Network engineer
  • a person typing on a keyboard

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Skilled Trades

  • Electricians
  • Plumbers/Pipefitters
  • Heavy equipment operators
  • Electrical repairmen
  • Riggers
  • Machinists
  • Tool and die makers
  • Welders
  • Nurses
  • a plumber installing a new toilet

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  • a hand picking up a specific piece amongst others

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Take the guesswork out of hiring

If you’re a Human Resources professional, you have a lot on your plate as it is. When hiring a skilled trades professional, it’s absolutely essential to ensure that the candidate you’re considering possesses the right education, experience, degrees, and certifications to do the job correctly. The checklist can get as long as your arm. Or you can leave all that to Kenmare LLC. As a direct hiring and placement specialist for IT, engineering, and skilled trades, we’ll do the vetting, so you can concentrate on determining whether the candidate will be a right fit for your job opening. Call us in Ann Arbor, MI, and let us be your secret weapon!  

Looking for skilled trades work in Detroit, MI? Call us today!  

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